All Saints
Sunday 27 April 2025 at 11.15 am
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)
This year's APCM will be held at c11.15 am on Sunday 27th April after the morning service in All Saints.
Applications for Parochial Church Council, Deanery Synod & Churchwardens
We have some vacancies on the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and Deanery Synod to fill at the APCM as well as needing to (re)appoint two Churchwardens. Application forms are available at the back of Church or from the Parish Office or electronically from Dick Hibberd ( ). Forms are also available in St Antony's.
Anyone on the (new) Electoral Roll is eligible to apply and if you would like an informal discussion about what is involved, please speak to the Wardens or to Dick. Completed forms should be returned to Dick or to the Parish Office or brought to the meeting, although it would be helpful to have them beforehand.
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