St Antony's Community Day
18 July 2017
A community day to celebrate St Antony's 60th anniversary
On Sunday 2 July we enjoyed an amazing afternoon of celebration with over 220 people about a third of whom were children. There were displays by Karate and Dance, and Pre-school merrily danced and sang, Hamsey Green Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Guides were also represented. There was face painting, hula hoop workshops, a bouncy castle, games, children's tattoos, and delicious cream teas.
It is a day which will long be remembered as a great celebration of St Antony's in the Community.

St Antony's 60th judo
St Antony's 60th crowd
St Antony's 60th dancers
St Antony's 60th Bouncy Castle

St Antony's 60th Circle
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