News from All Saints
10 August 2016
Events coming up
Future events :
Mothers’ Union Join us as we pray for those dioceses linked to Southwark Diocese as part of the
Mothers’ Union wave of prayer on Thursday 1st September, 2.30pm in St Catherine’s Aisle.
Summer in Sanderstead our "holiday-at-home" for older people, will happen again this year on Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday 30th & 31st August, and 1st September, in All Saints' Halls, from 10:30am - 3:30pm
with a variety of activities to enjoy each day. A hearty lunch will be available and morning and afternoon
refreshments to sustain us throughout. Book your place today!
St Mary’s Celtic Eucharists will be on 7th August, 4th September , all at 6.30pm in St Mary’s Church.
St Mary's Patronal Festival will be held on Sunday 11th September at 10am at St Mary’s. Everyone is
welcome to celebrate with us. There will be a bring and share lunch in the Church Hall afterwards.
Sanderstead Neighbourhood Care have a Quiz Night on Sat 24th Sept.
Churches Together in Sanderstead. After a vacancy lasting over two years, Sanderstead United
Reformed Church now has a minister, Rev Martin Ferris. The next meeting of Churches Together will at
4pm on Wednesday 14th September. This is an open meeting; all welcome. I hope as many as possible
will support this.
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